Growing up, we used different words, most we herd from our parents and the rest we coined up on our own. And by coined up I mean we mispronounced the English version and it stuck. In the spirit of Throwback Christmas, take a look at these Ghanaian phrases that we will never outgrow.
In Ghana, it is a special occasion for both Christians and non-Christians who get to prepare delicious local Ghanaian dishes to celebrate the season.
The 2020 Ghana election was as dicey as we expected. As it stands, about 39.20% of MPs will not be returning to the Parliament.
We heard so many scary stories that caused us nightmares and somewhat put our naughty selves in check as kids. Here are the 4 horror stories that scared us
It’s another trip down memory lane. Let’s jump down the slide to our childhood and remember the snacks every kid rushed to buy during recess or when school closed.
You must remember putting your head on your desk and reading one or two or probably all of these books in Ghanaian schools.
What goes on in a man’s mind? This is basically one of the questions that forever lingers on the minds of many women. Does he really mean what he says? Why does he say one thing and then does the total opposite?
Having thoughts about where to go and have fun during the Christmas season but can't think of anyplace interesting, check out our list.
Its either you lose some pounds now in preparation for all your unhealthy choices during Christmas or you look for healthier options and keep that body forever banging.
The feminism fight is not one where we compete for power, it is one where we fight for what should be ours.

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