In the past women worshiped their manes and dreaded a visit to the barber shop.

Today, it is not unusual to see a woman with a full head of healthy luscious hair on Thursday, and a buzz cut on Friday; (Linda Ejiofor-Suleiman and Simi, we weren’t ready! *sob*).
Granted the emotional torture we experienced is one not for the faint hearted, in Coco Chanel’s famous words “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life” one must admit that they are killing their new life changing looks and drawing more and more ladies into the short hair gang.
With a vast array of cuts to choose from be it tapered, perm cut, pixie, teeny-weeny-afro (TWA) or buzz cut, here are reasons why we think the time is now to change your life.
The versatility
This might be the last thing on your mind with regards to the various options that exist after a big chop, but the many options that exist with this look cannot be over emphasized. Monday for you to show off your gorgeous head in all its glory, Tuesday for the closure bob wig, Wednesday for the turban, Thursday for the braided wig, Friday some hair dye for that pop of colour and the list is endless.
The convenience
Imagine no obstacle in your way, the scalp can enjoy the wind as it navigates around your head. Swim days are never over thought because which hair? And not to talk of not worrying when you wake up late that you have to style your hair! Did we mention not spending money on hair products? Glory!
Still not convinced? Here’s a gallery of socialites across Africa that might just convince you to join the cut life.
Linda Ejiofor







Join us as we make our way to the nearest barbershop. it’s going down, literally!