Whether you’re light-skinned, brown-skinned or dark-skinned, your face is one of the things people stare at the most.

Washing your face may seem like a simple task but doing it properly is essential to having great skin.
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If your skin still doesn’t care about using the best skincare products available, you should reconsider some of your skincare practices. You could be making these mistakes:
Washing your face with hot water

Washing your face with cold water may not remove all the dirt on your face. If you wash with hot water, you could be dry out and irritate your skin, leaving your skin bare and unprotected since you have washed away all the natural oils in your skin. It’s best to use warm water to wash your face as it thoroughly cleans your skin and preserves it’s natural oils.
Not washing face at night

Wondering why your skin is always dry? Not washing your face at night could be the reason. Not cleaning your face before sleeping could leave dirt on your pillows thereby leading directly to breakouts. Washing your face at night could also help you to avoid dry skin issues and aid your skincare products to work well.
Rubbing face with a towel

Rubbing your face is a total no-no. Doing so with a towel, that’s much worse. You could be robbing your skin of proteins, lipids and fatty acids that prevent skin irritation. For the best results, pat your face with your towel or let it air dry.
Using an exfoliator brush

While the brush may remove dead skin cells better, you could be scrubbing away your skins protective barrier cause water to seep into your skin and dry out easily. You’re better off using your hands to wash or exfoliate. It’s much more gentle.
Having a skincare routine and sticking to it also helps. Remember to change your pillowcase often to prevent breakouts. Try these tips and let us know how they go.