#TravelAdvisory: Ghana is banning entry of foreign nationals arriving from coronavirus-hit countries

Ghana’s government has issued a travel ban entry to citizens of countries who have been hit by the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19)

The statement which was signed by Ghana’s information minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said non-residents who had travelled to a country affected by the coronavirus in the last 14 days were not permitted to enter the country.

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This was necessitated after 4 more cases of the novel coronavirus was announced on Sunday.

Mr Nkrumah said that “all travel to Ghana is at this stage strongly discouraged until further notice.”

“Any traveller, except for Ghanaian citizens and persons with Ghana residence permit, who, within the last 14 days, has been to a country that has recorded at least 200 cases of COVID-19, will not be permitted into the Ghanaian jurisdiction,” the statement said.

For Ghanaian travellers or people who had come into contact with persons with the virus, it was advised that they self-quarantine for 14 days.

READ MORE: https://braperucci.africa/10-places-to-visit-in-ghana-that-arent-accra/

“There is now going to be a mandatory 14-days self-quarantine for persons who are otherwise allowed to enter the Ghanaian jurisdiction,” Minister of Information Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said.

“Guidelines for the self-quarantine will be available at the Ghanaian point of entry,” he added

The President of Ghana in a later address also reiterated the ban and announced a 4-week shutdown of public gatherings, schools and religious services.


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