Quench your burning thirst with this ginger lemonade receipe

We’ve all had days when bouts of nausea won’t leave us be. Sometimes too, we just want something nice drink.

Or maybe you need a “burning” drink to sublimate your alcoholic urges. Wherever you fall, here is the recipe for the ginger drink you obviously need.

You’ll have to get:

2 large roots of Ginger properly cleaned and chopped

1 Lemon

Some cloves



1. Put the chopped ginger into the saucepan
2. Add the sugar
3. Add the cloves
4. Add water
5. Boil for about 30 -40 minutes
6. Allow to cool and blend
7. Strain the ginger mixture to remove the chaff as many times as needed. Boiled water should be added if needed during straining.
8. Squeeze the lemon into the strained juice.
9. Serve chilled, and shake container before serving.

Easy peazy right? The next time you feel nausea or the urge to walk all the way to a bar to spend money on stuff that’ll burn your liver and kidney, just remember this recipe and try it.

Trust that it is a better option.

Happy cooking!


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