Started in 2013, the Vlisco Fashion Fund is a yearly contest that supports promising creatives in building skills and strengthening their fashion labels in Africa.

The fund is now accepting applications for this year’s increasingly competitive contest, and seven of the most outstanding fashion designers will be chosen as the 2019 winners.
This contest is setup for up-and-coming fashion talent between 20 and 30 years of age with fresh ideas and a desire to make their mark. The Vlisco Fashion Fund is also particularly interested in designers with a passion for wax print. Since the contest is founded to support emerging talent, it is geared towards those who have been working in the field less than five years, and who are either solo freelancers or have maximum two employees.
All creatives who apply must excel at more than just design. They must also be adept with a needle. Participants need to be able to sew their own garments without depending on hired tailors to execute an idea. Business drive is also crucial. The Vlisco Fashion Fund prioritizes those applicants that are able to articulate how the fund would concretely benefit their business and help transform their dreams into a flourishing and influential fashion label.