2020 sure has been one bumpy road ride year. I know everyone is looking forward to the Christmas holidays to have some fun and quality time with family and friends.

For Scrooge bosses who think their employees do not deserve to celebrate Christmas, I hope the spirits of Christmas do pay you a visit when you go to sleep.
This is for those pumped and hyped to enjoy the holidays. Here are some fun things to do during the holidays.
1. Shop for Christmas

If you are from this part of the world, you know the good old trick. Shop before December if you are not ready to spend extra time and cash.
December is the cocoa season for most market women, prices of items in the market places are increased so the market woman can get her extra cash for her celebrations too.
If you are unbothered about the cash spent, I’m very sure you’re not ready for the crowd and heat you will definitely meet at the market space if you choose to shop during the holidays.
Please find time to shop early, send someone to do your shopping or stick to online purchases to save your body of the stress. Remember Covid 19 is still around, it will be sad spending Christmas in quarantine.
2. Rest

You weren’t expecting that, right? Well, let’s face reality, adulthood can be very tiring and our constant chase for money to pay those long bills is draining us, WE NEED TO REST.
You don’t want to start the holidays sick and weak in bed. Get some good sleep to buy your body some energy for what is to come during the holidays.
We are really going all out this year, after all this stress, we deserve it.
3. Listen to Christmas Carols

We don’t have the snow here to signal Christmas is near, but we sure do have music to jingle in our ears.
There are plenty of Christmas carols in different genres, whether you want it in reggae or a good old country music.
Music does cheer the soul, some good music will be perfect to start the holidays and get you in the Christmas mood.
For parents, you can learn some carols and sing along with the kids at home.
4. Send out Cards and Gifts

This year’s pandemic is definitely changing Christmas for us. We will definitely have to cancel some usual Christmas visits.
This shouldn’t kill your spirit though, update your style and show some love. You can go the old fashion way and send out a Christmas card, but remember where you come from and how they see cards and do well to add some wrapped gifts in a hamper.
Don’t be too lazy to check up on friends and family, it’s the Christmas season, you have no excuse not to be nice.
5. Go out and have some fun

You don’t have to be couch potato because of the corona virus. Think of your body and all these sweet you’re taking into your system and the extra weight you’ll put on after the holidays.
I’m very sure you want your clothes to fit when the holidays are over. Get active, go out and have some fun.
Call Thomas (dear Thomas I know you’ll read this) and remind him of the outing you planned in September. Try a drive-in movie date or a dinner date. The Christmas lights will make your outing perfect.
Whatever you do, please remember we’ve still got a virus to fight. Mask up, sanitize and wash those hands regularly.
Make the holidays a memorable one and prepare for the next year with realistic resolutions.