One of Nigeria’s best wedding costumiers, Olakunbi Oyelese of April By Kunbi fame has come out to explain her sudden disappearance from social media as well as fashion.

In a post on Monday on Instagram, she made it clear that her work didn’t excite her anymore after the first lockdown in March when the Corona Virus had started spreading rapidly in African countries. She had become unmotivated and overwhelmed and like any other person in her shoes would do, she took a break.
This Instagram post is the first she has made this year since she stopped being active there in October 2020.
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She also made mention of being admitted to the hospital for the first 2 to 3 weeks of November. Even though she did not make mention of what sickness ailed her, she did thank God for being totally healed.
“This is still my dream and I’m glad I’m refreshed enough to pursue this fully. I’ve had time to think, to be honest with myself, to re-strategize and plan. I can gladly say I’m excited again. Super excited that those dreams I had for April by Kunbi will come to fruition”, Kunbi said.
The Rebrand
While announcing her rebrand to “April by Kunbi Lifestyle”, she advised her fellow entrepreneurs to take a step back and make their mental health and happiness a priority.
She also admonished her followers to wear masks, wash their hands and stay safe as the virus is very real.