Meet Henry Akrong, Accra’s King of Packaging


Entrepreneur, Videographer, Content Creator, Host, Adventure Junkie and a list of endless monikers are what Ghanaian-born Henry Akrong associates with depending on the time of the day you meet him.

 As Accra’s king of Packaging the ambitious young chap is focused on creating visually appealing stories for brands and start-ups that capture the mind of the viewer no matter his/her mood.

 And this was exactly how he caught our attention when we accidentally stumbled on his page in December of 2018. Ultimately making him our first guest on “Our Exciting Way of Life” series which features some of Ghana and Africa’s dangerously creative minds who are changing the status quo using social media.

In the 8-minute video, the carefree character of Mr. Akrong is evident even when we threw some pretty tough questions at him.  “Accra isn’t ready for what we are bringing in 2019” he says confidently.

He also tells us about how it all begun for him and some of the creative videos he’s shot for brands and acts including the controversial video for Bad Boy artist, RJZ’s “Not Yours” as well as some pretty titillating skits for Chale socks, Discovering Ghana and others.

According to him, “There’s no limit to the human mind and I free my mind to the extent that whatever I want to create, I believe I can and I do it” he chips in passionately.

Watch the full interview with Accra’s King of Packaging below.  Don’t forget to our channel for more poignant and riveting content made for millennials by millennials.

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