“5 years ago today some stranger caught the garter and I caught the bouquet. Now he’s my husbanddddd. 5/23/2015,” twitter user, @MalibuDarby wrote in what has now become a viral post on the micro-blogging site.
The too-good-to-be true fairy tale of Malibu Darby (now Mrs Philips) and Aramis Philips begun in 2015 when they both attended the wedding of a mutual friend.
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As destiny would have it, Malibu caught the flower and Aramis, the garter which meant that the two were next in line for marriage as tradition dictates.

According to Malibu in a response on twitter, they didn’t kick things off initially as they both wouldn’t even dance together, another tradition about catching the flower and the garter.
“We wouldn’t dance or put the garter pack on my leg. They’re family, they’re daughter was our flower girl,” she revealed.

However, they became friends, one thing led to the other and the pair became Mr and Mrs Philips in 2019. Another sweet spot was involving their mutual couple friends and their daughter as a flower girl on the big day.
The wedding took place at the beautiful Ashton Gardens in Atlanta, U.S.A.

As they celebrated their first year as husband and wife, Malibu decided to share their story on twitter.
“I don’t believe in fairytales, but I believe in us,” Malibu captioned along with a photo on Instagram.

A cheeky Aramis also responded with the caption “Garter and bouquet catchers” on his Instagram.

Their beautiful fairy tale story has received massive on the internet with several bridal and news publications sharing the news on their platforms. Hopefully, it gets a big break on the silver screens someday, who knows?? dreams do come true after all.

Photographer: @fotosbyfola
Gown: @AnyaBridal
Tuxedo: @SavviFormalwear
Makeup: @barkeiabeauty
Planner: @ityndaleevents
Decor: @tintedeventdesigns
Barber: @fadedbysb