Ghanaian rapper, singer and songwriter, Manifest wrote songs from the pain of his heartbreak.

These other heartbreak stories will humble you. Heartbreak Twitter was back at it this week and the degrees to which some people have had their hearts broken dier, currently both genders could be trash. We shall let you be the judge.
Check out these heartbreak stories. They’re funny and sad at the same time.
Okay bro. This is at the height of desperado

Apparently, it could end in tears even if things are going too well but that shouldn’t stop you from falling in love.
No truer words have been said

Groomer of the year

Apparently, not everyone’s love language is a gift

A legit question

Wahala for person who no get couple hashtag

Hmmmmmm.. we can relate

She’s a whole series

So all along what were you?

Eeeiiii girls

African parents help us

Sis… there’s no blueprint to a breakup

Next time listen to the Holy Spirit

Osheey Shakespeare


Danny is in the spirit

Looks like a lot of us can relate

We can’t even break your heart in peace

We can’t wait to hit 30

Please take Pepsi

Tragic case of titanic on the road.

Learn something from the pain. Since we all need character shaping. Can you relate? Tell us your story !