As reported earlier, the mother of former President Jerry John Rawlings chalked a milestone in her earthly journey.

Mrs. Victoria Agbotui turned 100 years in September and her family including the former president threw a soirée in her honor.

In a video that has gone viral, the President and his centenarian mother can be seen waltzing into the event’s ground amidst music and jubilation.
Other scenes in the viral video show Mrs Konadu Rawlings dancing Agbaza with other public figures in honor of her mother-in-law. Granddaughter of Mrs Victoria Agbotui and Member of Parliament, Dr Zanetor Rawlings are also pictured in the video.
Check out the video below
Madam Victoria first entered Ghana’s public space in the1970’s when her son Flt. Lt J.J Rawlings took over the reins of government in acoup d’etat. Prior to that, she was a head caterer at Ghana’s State House. She’sknown for raising her son as a single mother and a strict disciplinarian whomade sure she attended the best schools in the country.
She had not been seen in public for a longtime until last year when rumours were rife about her death after a short illness. However, the ex-president’s communications debunked such rumours calling them ‘unfounded’and ‘untrue’