What goes on in a man’s mind? This is basically one of the questions that forever lingers on the minds of many women. Does he really mean what he says? Why does he say one thing and then does the total opposite?
Who better to answer your questions than these same men? We asked Twitter men to give relationship advice to women and indeed no truer words have been said.
Have a look at some of the most interesting responses we saw.
We think this definitely goes without saying

We need to stop being Bob the Builder. If he’s not who you want, don’t try to change him sis!

There’s really nothing like putting all your cards on the table. Let him know what you’re looking for. Don’t let anyone play you.

Right! And right again

He can be with you but be someone else’s. Learn to cut your losses and move on. Life is too hard to risk being stuck with the wrong person.

Your happiness is non-negotiable queen.

Looks like being straight up with what you want keeps on appearing. We just hope y’all do not see it as nagging though. Just saying.

We hope these advices were helpful whether you are in a relationship or not. Learn to trust your instincts, make decisions for yourself before anyone makes them for you and most importantly, keep your head up Queen!